Learn how to get your first income-producing home:

YOur First Rental Property

Your First Rental Property is opening its doors again on

October 28th, 2024


You missed out!

Countdown to doors opening!

This cohort will begin on November 11, 2024, and run through January 24, 2025.

Hop on our email list to be the first to know when the doors are officially open for enrollment!

We'll also send you our best tips for investing, personal finance, and more in our newsletter while you wait 🙂

Have you ever had these thoughts?

If so, you're in the right place. Here's what our students have said after graduating from our rigorous 10-week course: 

"The course is just so comprehensive that when you...try to learn it and take all the quizzes and you're engaging with the course material, you level up your knowledge so much faster than you possibly could have if you were doing this all on your own and trying to figure it out as you go."


“The more I advanced in the course, the more I learned, the more knowledge I had, the more confidence I got. The more exposure I got to other people in the community...I could then have them either verify my assumptions or potentially give me pause, which then gave me more confidence and more direction to research things more...It all kind of worked off each other.”


“I really appreciate how it's structured and it's so structured properly from beginning to end. This is what you need in the beginning -- this is what you need to understand.

"[Paula] remembers what it was like to start out and she created this course to help those people who know nothing. And to not be scared, and show you that it's doable."


“Here's the deal: my time is short. I don't want to waste it chasing down information and then having to evaluate whether or not I trust it. I've already been following Paula and I trust what she says, so I'm just going to go ahead and do it.”


Four years of development.

Two rounds of beta.

More than 2,300 confident, successful students.

We’ve ruthlessly vetted and fine-tuned this rental property investing course.

We’ve had more than 2,300 students come through our doors. We’ve gathered tens of thousands of data points in feedback from these students. We’ve made countless rounds of improvements and iterations.

Simply stated, we built this for excellence.

This is the course I would have wanted when I was starting out.

If you want to buy your first rental property, but you have questions, doubts or fears, this is for you.

The real estate investing course, Your First Rental Property, will open for enrollment on October 28, 2024!

Join the email list to be the first to know when it's live!

Your First Rental Property:

Who Should Enroll?

Your First Rental Property is designed for beginner, first-time real estate investors in the United States who want to buy-and-hold residential rental property.

It takes you through, step-by-step, all of the processes you need to know in order to go from beginner to investor.

Here's an 18-minute video that explains who will benefit from this course. It covers all of the questions we've received from students:

Prefer to read? Just click on a question to see the answer!

"I want to invest out-of-state. Should I enroll?"

Yes. This course is designed for both local and out-of-state investors. Our only assumption is that you live in the U.S. and that you want to invest in residential rental properties anywhere inside the U.S.

People outside of the U.S. are welcome to enroll in the course, and can learn the concepts and high-level critical thinking. But specifics about taxes, laws, banking and resources will be U.S.-based. For example, I don’t know the capital gains tax rate in Sweden. I don’t know the average cost of replacing an asphalt-shingle roof in South Korea. I don’t know about lending requirements from banks and credit unions in Malaysia. Our assumptions within this course are U.S.-centric.

"I'd like to buy a rental property in the next 2-3 years, but I don't have a downpayment saved yet. Should I enroll?"

Yes, and congratulations on getting a head start. This is an excellent time to learn how to analyze, find and finance deals. If you start learning 2-3 years before you’re ready to buy, you’ll be super-knowledgeable and confident by the time you’ve saved your downpayment. And if you’re ready to buy a rental property soon (like this year), then this is a critical time to learn how to choose a great rental property.

I am SO busy! I want to invest out-of-state, and I don't have the time to fly out every time there's a problem or a property hits the market. What should I do?"

Build a team! This course shows you how.

Investing out-of-state (without traveling there) is common. It's been a time-tested practice for years. Many investors purchase properties from out-of-state, using the time and talent of their local team. We’ve been Facetiming, Zooming, and Slacking since before it was cool.

We teach you how to build a team of agents, property managers, inspectors and contractors who will be your eyes, ears and boots-on-the-ground … so that you never have to leave home.

“My schedule is kind of unpredictable. I'm not sure how much time I can dedicate to the course material. Is that okay?”

Yes! The group pacing is an option, not a requirement, and you have lifetime access to the course. You’re welcome to revisit the lessons anytime you’d like, or re-experience the class with a future cohort.

Many students find themselves off-sync with the student cohort midway through the material, usually after they take a vacation or get busy at work — and that’s normal and expected. We call it “Turtle Power.” You’ll see.

Beyond getting lifetime access to the course material, you also get lifetime access to all support. Our forums stay open year-round and our Teacher's Assistants are there to respond. Our Active Investor Mastermind calls happen every-other Tuesday, we hold Office Hours at least once a month between cohorts, and our support staff are always available to help you.

By the way, lessons are available on-demand so you can watch them whenever you want. The only aspects of the course that happen in "real time" are anything held on Zoom: Office Hours, Active Investor meetings, and Study Halls. Office Hours and Study Hall are recorded so that you can watch them later.

"What if I live in Canada, or Europe, or Asia, or any other country? Is the information in the course applicable to me?"

We've had many international students in the course who have had a fantastic experience learning the fundamentals of real estate investing. If you're international and you want to learn the principles behind how to analyze deals and become an intelligent real estate investor, this course will help you. But if you're looking for specifics about taxes or financing, we can't help. We can't tell you how to hire a contractor in Malaysia, and we don't know the specifics about banking or financing in Russia. However, what we cover at a high level, you can apply anywhere. 

Heitor, a student who lives in France, went through the course and still found it valuable. He says, "If your goal is to buy a house, wherever it is, for an investment, and you're asking yourself if there's any missing piece of knowledge today that blocks you from going and doing it, the course is going to help you clarify each and every point...You get a crystal clear vision on all of the process. And I mean it because I was somewhere else where the process is not the same, but the building pieces are still so well-structured, that you can still sit through and do all the parallels that are necessary to build the base to go on and just crush it."

"Will this course help me if I own rental properties, but have no idea how to manage them?"

Here are my questions back to you.

First, how clear is your strategy? Do you have a clear plan for the number of properties you want to acquire, the cash flow and other profits that you want to meet for each property, the speed at which you'll make these acquisitions, and the metrics you'll use?

Second, how efficient are your processes and systems? Are you running a well-oiled machine with a strong team? Could you scale?

The answer to those two questions will shed light into whether you’re operating an efficient system that can continue to grow, in which case you don’t need any course, or whether you could benefit from structure, guidance, metrics, and systems.

That said, because Your First Rental Property is specifically aimed at beginners who are buying their first or second rental property, we DON’T recommend it for experienced real estate investors.

As the name implies (actually, as the name blatantly states), this is for beginners. Don’t enroll if you’re looking for overly-advanced strategies.

That leads to our next commonly-asked question ….

"Does this class share the secrets to real estate investing?"

OMG give me a break.

There are no “secrets” shared in the course, and if any of those other “gurus” out there claim that they have “secrets,” they’re shady AF because that’s a gigantic load of baloney hogwash.

There are no “secrets” to real estate investing, just like there are no “secrets” to learning calculus or dental hygiene or trumpet playing.

You don’t take a class because the teacher will reveal (imaginary, nonexistent) “secrets.” You take a class because you want a guided, curated set of lesson plans that covers everything you need to know in logical, sequential order. You take a class because you want support and accountability from the teacher, the teachers assistants, and your fellow students. You take a class for access to the resources, spreadsheets, checklists, word-for-word scripts, email canned responses, and the business-in-a-box setup. You take a class for the quizzes that test your knowledge along the way and provide real-time feedback about your strengths and weaknesses. Duh, that’s what a class is.

That’s why you take classes in high school and college, and that’s why you take classes online.

You don’t take classes because someone is going to teach you the “hidden secrets” to anthropology or statistics or dog training. Right?

So please do me a favor and never believe anyone who claims that they’ll sell you a class that holds the “secrets to real estate success.” Barf. If anyone claims to have these, they’re spammy and they’re lying.

Okay, rant over.

“If I'm interested in short-term rentals/Airbnb, will I gain enough knowledge from this course to make that happen?”

Short answer: that's not what the course is intended for. 

Long answer: Maybe.

If you’d like to learn about how to find, analyze, finance and renovate those properties, yes. But if you’d like to learn about the management, staging, furnishing and advertising of those properties, as well as specific vacation rental-related tax and legal implications, no.

My philosophy on vacation rentals is the following:

Have multiple exit strategies. Buy a vacation rental only if it also makes sense as a traditional 12-month rental.

You can earn additional money using it as a vacation rental. But if for any reason you can no longer rent the property on a short-term basis (e.g. if your city council outlaws short-term rentals in your area), you can revert the property to a 12-month rental and still be okay. In other words, you minimize risk by finding a property that could satisfy both uses.

For that reason, the sections in this course on finding, analyzing, financing and renovating apply regardless of your use of the property. But the sections on tenant management would not.

We also don't cover the unique needs of a vacation rental owner, like how to resupply consumables, manage cleaners, monitor utility usage, and handle sales and occupancy taxes.

That said, quite a few students have purchased vacation rentals with the knowledge they gained in the course, but we're primarily focused on long-term, buy-and-hold residential real estate. 🙂

"I'm up to my eyeballs in credit card debt, and I don't have an emergency fund. Should I enroll?"

Heck NO!! If you are financially struggling, please do not enroll in this course. If you’re stressed about bills and you’re in a tough financial situation, this course is not right for you at this time.

I’ve published hundreds of free articles on my website and 500+ free podcast episodes that can help you save money, earn more, start a side hustle, and get out of high-interest consumer debt. If you’re financially struggling, stick only with my free material. Stabilize yourself first.

"How many Your First Rental Property students buy their first property right after taking the course?"

Great question! We have a handy chart that answers this. We surveyed our students on when they plan to buy their first rental, and they said…

As you can see, most of the students in the course don’t plan on buying their first rental property right away. This makes it hard to answer the question, “How many students have purchased their first property after taking the course?” as many are still in the research and planning stages.

Further, buying the right property is crucial to this process. Rushing to buy a property just for the sake of having one goes against everything I teach in the course.

Getting spared from buying the wrong property is as important — if not more important — than buying the right one.

What’s Inside This Course?

The course consists of educational videos, audio, transcripts, quizzes, worksheets, forums, checklists for your business systems and processes, word-for-word scripts that you can use when you make calls, templates that you can use when you send emails, and direct access to me through live Q&A Office Hours during the 10-week class period.

We also have Teacher's Assistants who answer questions in the forums, so you're never without support. Our TAs are paid alumni of the course who give back to the community by providing insight, encouragement, and clarification along your journey.

Here’s an 18-minute video that explains what you get with the course and the material that we cover. This video answers the FAQs around what you can expect to learn (and what you won't learn).

If you enroll in this course, here's what you’ll learn:


How to analyze a rental property for its income stream and profit potential


How to search for a rental property, both locally and out-of-state, using both publicly-listed data as well as hunting for off-market deals


How to pay for a rental property, using both institutional (bank) loans as well as other creative methods


How to decide what level of renovation and improvement is fitting for the home, and how to speak intelligently with contractors so that you command their respect

Negotiate and Buy

How to navigate the complex process of purchasing the property (and how to spot pitfalls and red flags!)

Build a Team

How to attract, hire, evaluate, train and retain top talent


How to advertise for tenants, evaluate applicants, manage tenants, and process move-in/move-out day.

What Will This Course Cover?

This 12-minute video explains it well. The video is part of the Welcome and Orientation portion of the course, and within this video, I discuss why the course modules are arranged in the order in which they are. When you watch it, you’ll get strong insight into what’s inside the course — and why it matters.

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Evaluate properties to see whether or not they’re a good deal
  • Find properties that most “retail buyers” aren’t finding
  • Understand a wide variety of different types of financing options
  • Negotiate for properties with improved skill
  • Understand the process of closing on a property
  • Understand the components of a house and be fluent in “contractor-speak”
  • Estimate repair and renovation costs
  • Build a team: agent, contractors, property managers
  • Screen and evaluate tenants
  • Set up a methodical system for tenant turnover (such as move-in / move-out processes)
  • Understand business and tax information related to rental property investing

You WILL NOT learn about:

  • Flipping houses
  • Commercial properties (such as investing in mobile homes, offices, retail space, apartment complexes greater than 5+ units)
  • Lease-purchase options

Where and When?

The course is online-only. You can access the lessons on-demand, from any device, at any time.

Enrollment will open again on October 28th, 2024. Sign up for our email list to be the first to know when the doors are open.

Immediately upon enrolling, you’ll receive access to our Welcome and FAQ modules. We encourage you to move through the course with the group, so that you and your fellow cohort of students can interact in the forums, discuss the day’s lesson, bounce ideas off each other, and hold one another accountable for finishing the homework, quizzes and worksheets.

To encourage strong group cohesion, modules are dripped out at a set pace throughout the 10 weeks. Our students get better results when they work together!

You’ll receive a lesson, quiz and/or other prompt 5 days per week for 10 weeks. Set aside a minimum of 30 minutes per day, or roughly 2.5 hours per week, to go through the core lessons. Our lessons are robust; we've added resources and additional information based on feedback received from each cohort.

Of course, you have unlimited lifetime access to the course, including all future updates. The group pacing is an option, not a requirement. You’re welcome to revisit the lessons anytime you’d like, or take the class at a self-directed pace.

Many students find themselves getting off-sync with the student cohort midway through the material, usually after they get sick, take a vacation or get busy at work — and that’s normal and expected. We call it “Turtle Power.” You’ll see. ?

What's the Tuition?

Tuition for Your First Rental Property is $1,297 with one payment, or six payments of $249 each. This includes lifetime access to the course material and lifetime support from our team.

We make updates to the course constantly. We add new lessons and resources in between each cohort, our forums are always open, and our support staff is dedicated to your success.

YFRP on various devices

6 monthly payments of


a one-time payment of


Anytime we add or update anything in the course, you have full access to these updates for free, forever. You're always invited to join Office Hours. You can re-experience the course with future cohorts anytime you want. You can review lessons again at your convenience. Our Teacher's Assistants are always in the forums, where we also have an active, thoughtful community of investors.

Once you enroll, you're a student for life.

We believe in being lifelong learners, and our support systems reflect this. Becoming a real estate investor doesn't happen overnight. It's a journey, and we're here for you each step of the way. Many of our students choose to review the course at different points because they find new takeaways each time.

"Why should I join?"

To save yourself from making an expensive mistake. (I’ve made plenty of those!) You can learn from the school of hard knocks, or you can learn in an online classroom.

Tuition is about the investment of ordering three housing inspections. It’s significantly less than you’d pay for a single class at a 4-year college or university. It’s substantially less than the fees and closing costs of just one refinance.

If this class can save you from losing/forfeiting $5,000 in an earnest money deposit, or if it can teach you to negotiate for an extra $7,000 in closing cost concessions, or if it can prevent you from taking out the wrong type of loan and spending $3,000 in refinancing fees, it will more than pay for itself. 

As you continue to make smart decisions about rental property investing, this course will pay for itself over and over again.

If this class can spare you from buying the wrong rental property, just once, it could save you from making a six-figure mistake.

What Our Students and Alumni Say...

We asked students and alumni in YFRP to share their stories, and got some pretty amazing responses. Use the filters below to find the videos that are the best match for you.

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Here's what Your First Rental Property alumni are saying across our communities:

"The most helpful aspect of enrolling in the course was the road map the course provided that helped my

husband and I tackle this new-to-us real estate

 investing venture together.

I'm not sure we would have had the courage to go through with the [duplex] purchase without the course.

And I know we wouldn't be as savvy in our decision-making - and there are a lot of decisions to be made - without

the information we got out of this course."


“This class has been an amazing confidence boost."

"I wish I had this 10 years ago.


"I didn't know enough about real estate to have

fully formed expectations going into the course,

however the end result blew anything I would've had in mind out of the water

The level of detail for the immense scope of the course was awesome. The production made the content fun, interesting, and relatable, when it could've been

textbook dry."


YFRP testimonial

A learning experience customized for you.

Lifetime access to all curriculum, bonuses, and support.

YFRP will be available as a resource for you for your entire investing journey.

Every lesson available in video, audio, and text format.

Learn in the way that works best for you.

Quizzes to test your knowledge as you go.

(Answer key pinpoints the EXACT spot in the transcript where you'll find the solution.)

Astonishing support to ensure you have help at every step.

You'll always have your questions answered.

How Can I Enroll?

YFRP opens multiple times a year, and our next enrollment period start on October 28th, 2024.

If you’re interested and want more details, please join our email list! That’s the place to go for any and all Your First Rental Property updates. ?

See you in class! — Paula

P.S. Remember to join the email list here. Our email list hears course updates first!