Student Story

Brian K.

Learn how Brian acquired successful out-of-state rental properties totally sight-unseen.

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We asked Brian:

What would you say to someone who’s thinking about enrolling in Your First Rental Property but wasn't entirely sure if they wanted to or not?

He said...

“Having the reassurance and framework that YFRP provides is extremely valuable.”

Brian K.

“There's no one that I've spoken with (at any experience level) that I've said 'it's a waste of your time and money,' because I think dollar-for-dollar, having the reassurance and framework that YFRP provides is extremely valuable.

Real estate investing is a lengthy process. It's not difficult, but there's a lot to do and it can seem too much to manage, but being able to take the course and have all those pieces broken down in one place...all of a sudden, this difficult task seems a lot easier.

I also appreciated having the connection with like-minded people. You can meet people on FB, bigger pockets, meetups, etc., but having this community of everyone that has the same philosophy — or at least different flavors of the same philosophy — is helpful because everywhere else that I've gone, you have people that are very much into wholesaling, or fix and flip, or they're looking only at appreciation. Knowing that everyone here was on the same page as me helped me know that the advice I was receiving was relevant to me. It felt like everyone was speaking the same language, which I found extremely helpful.

The Analyzing module was super helpful. I learned that EVERY part of the country is a great place to invest in, vs. there being only a couple of viable 'secret pockets' of the country in this market — it opened my eyes that there's something great anywhere; you just need to start.